Seeing the arrival of more “civilized” people with more decent outfi ts and more fi tness, mother straightened her body and moved towards the statue, “Okay. Let’s see Deng Xiaoping.”
“Yes! Let’s take a picture together with Deng Xiaoping.” Long marked it better than a good suggestion. In fact, this was his plan.
It was impossible to take a photo with Deng Xiaoping without strangers in the background. We had to wait, queue, fi ght against being pushed around, and then found the best chance to take a so-so picture. An Indonesian women’s tour group impressed us, with each wearing a long Muslim dress, holding a small Indonesian fl ag and yelling something in an alien language. They laughed aloud from time to time, standing orderly on four layered steps and waiting for the exact click of a camera controlled by their tour guide. Unlike Chinese, they had themselves photographed with a relatively less popular side of Deng Xiaoping as the background.